For the longest time I cried, Oh lord For someone to hear, and to see me Can this be that?
Lord Protect what I can not, Lord shall I open my heart again? Or shall I hinder what is wanted of me? Is this your will..Shall I be happy again? Shall they be happy, healthy and safe, and see me happy as well? You have so richly blessed me with them, shall this be more to my blessings?
I seek not treasures here on Earth of father, I seek only to teach others to see you and the blessings that you have given me I pray one day that know this. Father, Shall I open my heart again..Shall I place it on my sleeve? To wear it can easily be rendered broken? But what is love if not to give it away?
Oh lord, How I had forgotten what A smile was, for real..God have you shown me what my heart wants? Or Lord is this an illusion?
The joy that comes from me, that questions I long to have ans answered when Lord, You are the only one that has the answer. Lord I seek after you in all your ways.
Tell me what it me if my heart will be content, or better still it is Your will. In your Holy Sons Name, Jesus Name Amen.